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Hey! Thank you so much for the comment (and for not murdering poor Artur, haha)! 

A lot of team members like Artur (he's from our long-term project, so he was the one character that was around before this jam), so you're in good company. Our editor/composer is pretty much in love with him :D

Yes, the final CG happens in one of the two endings and it depends on whether you try and save Patrick at the end or not. I honestly haven't chosen either of these endings as the "true" one, since I usually can't decide. If there's ever a sequel, I guess I'll have to make a choice, but until then, both endings are equally valid!

Again, thanks for reading and taking the time to comment!


Ohhh! What's the name of that long-term project? I'm so excited to see more of arthur yayyyyy!

(1 edit)

It's WYSAPOOMP, but it's not out yet. We have a demo out there as a proof of concept (he's in 1 of the 2 major branches within the demo and if you end up on the branch without him, there'll be a hint on how to get onto his branch at the end). The overall quality isn't the same as in works like PePaThin, since we mainly want to check if the story concept works. It doesn't contain all the art and music we'd like to have in there, but if you're fine with reading something sort of rough, then we're always glad for some feedback on what works and what doesn't :D

Edit: also Artur's design needs a touch-up after this jam, since some of it changed with his new sprites for our jam game.


Oh that's exciting. Before you replied, I was looking through your profile to see if I can find that game with arthur ahahahha. Glad you linked it! I'll def check it out after playing through some other jam games! X33 Good luck with your endeavors!

Oh yeah, the month of October is reserved for jam games! Just got done with my first playthrough of yours. Amazing job! :3