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Just put in 4  hours into this game. Just finished 2 routes so far. I persnoaly feel the newtral route should have more then a  non monster ending. It would be neet if the Nekromancher started killing  humans  like your roomate who starts seeing them and chooses not to stop like you did. Also I can not find the  5th doll  character you show  in your art? I hope you get the  time to finish this. I LOVE  MONSTER GIRLS. 

Honestly, you’re right. That would be so cool! I have some concepts for what a neutral route looks like while staying in the monster world, but we haven’t been able to add them yet to prevent the project from getting larger than it already is. Maybe someday…!

The fifth character is actually a little hard to find- you have to follow Elsie instead of Cailean, and then turn her down or you won’t get the Vivietta intro events. We still need to review that so it will probably change to become easier, but for now that will find her.

Monster girls are really great. :)

- Val