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Alright, I've read the comments. I've played the demo, and my opinion comes from the perspective of a creator of artistic works (I write books and such..) 

People are making a mountain out of a molehill. I understand the outrage of being misled, but honestly, with the amount of work that goes into writing (Both writing code and writing the words you read) and the amount of work that goes into art (remember, someone had to draw every picture you see) - This game, while simple, is worth the paltry dollar amount the creator asks for. On any other website, those photos would be sold individually (or MAYBE in batches of 5) for one dollar a piece. Let alone the actual time the creator took to write the dialogue.

Some people just want to be angry about something. Take their criticisms with a grain of salt. They certainly provided enough.


Thanks so so much for saying this!