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Ceri here!

Just came off playing Rumination. As a fan of the first game, the writing and artwork are very well done as it was in the original. The lead up to that ending, boi...I saw on the main page that you guys are in the process of creating the finale to what has become an amazingly written trilogy of games. I really wanna know what happens to Patricia now and how the heck Nick is going to be able to get out of this situation!

P.S. I know the third and final installment of the UAN trilogy is in pre-production at this time but without giving much away, will players be seeing the story again through Nick's or Katie's POVs?

Howdy again, Ceri!

Thanks so much for your comment... it means the world to us that you've stuck with the series the past year, and we really look forward to hearing your thoughts on the sequel once we finally get there. We've still got a long journey ahead of us!

Without giving too much away, we can tell you that the final installment will follow a new protagonist, yet unintroduced in the series... though Nick will be playing a very large secondary role, and Katie will most definitely make an appearance. In fact, keep your eyes open for some Katie concept art for the sequel... we've been getting a lot of requests for her!