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(1 edit) (+1)

This is amazing! Everything seems so professionally done if you know what I mean, it really feels like a game you'd pay for with how well-made it is. 

The story is so interesting and I loved playing through, I was hoping it would last longerr lol 

And DONT even get me started on the art and music because it is so beautiful I can almost cry. Amazing job and a standing ovation to you Studio Clump!

(Plus I really enjoyed looking through the concept art :))


Thank you so much for your comment and for playing our game!! QwQ

loll no yeah I underestimated the time for the jam and making the script OTL 

But hopefully next time they'll go on a longer adventure! QwQ

Thank you so much again for your review! ^w^/ 

( And yessss that yummy concept art~~ :))) )