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To be honest, I'm not quite sure. It was one of the puzzles where you had to guide the ball to a bed, and I thought I had figured out the answer, but there was a point where the ball was dragged the exact opposite of where I thought it was going, and I couldn't find a way to block it. I'll try to take a screenshot or record what I'm talking about later today if that helps :)

It's most likely that the game is running fine, and I just wasn't able to figure it out on my first playthrough. I apologize in advance if that turns out to be the case!


Ahhh got it!! No worries no need for the screenshot, even the description was helpful enough :) And no worries it's super useful to find out when a certain part is balanced in a way that makes it harder to figure out!! Ty for the info!


Oh okay, well thank you so much for responding!! Once again, I really do admire this game, it's very cute (^w^)

Hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!!