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I'm really glad you liked it! Thanks for the comments. It's all noted and I will be coming back to these comments in the future.

1. Yes there will be some degree of romancing involved.

2. Transio spell might not be added. Time management is a key mechanic in the game and having Transio outside of the Academy will take away that time management aspect. 

3. I'm still trying to see if I can implement summon magic though. In any case there will be a sort of summon spell one way or another.


haha yess I hope my dreams come true.

I guess your right but maybe in the late game??? or after the 200 days class if you are planning but I appreciate the feedback creator!

Thanks, I can be a summoner soon. Solo leveling time
also I'm just gonna greedily push your development time from 1hr per day to 1hr and 1m per day

Possibly. > w>

Hahaha thanks!


No probs!

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yaaaaaaayyy a romance!