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The SCP Wiki, now this page have an age requirement that I just fall under as of the times they are established

come on wut
Dang I gotta lower that age gate for kids who want a good(?) adventure

Look at how I just typed. I don't feel much like myself anymore...

(1 edit) (-1)

They have an age requirement now?  I believe that scary stories/fiction can be for people of all ages, but when it comes to writing publically, there should be quality control. Kind of on the fence about this, but then again I think Salad Fingers is for children, whatever.

I disagree with the SCP Wiki Foundation moderation lately, but they can rule their website however they want. Mainly, they discredited 4chan for their own creation. Saying, they don't stand with chan culture and it's beliefs, even though they began there. That's completely fine! But it feels wrong to me. The SCP's themselves have also began dipping in quality, even the old ones, SCP-1875 had one of my most favorite images on the entire internet. I have no idea how did they even think of creating such a terrifying image. It doesn't have any tropes I can name other than Nightmare Fuel, it doesn't use photoshop (most likely) and simple image editing. The photo is so well made it feels real. It's like seeing Jeff The Killer or smile.jpg for the very first time. Don't forget this image began AEwVS and has been always used for Viktor.

Now what we have now as the replacement for the image (i understand the copyright issues, and that's completely fine), we have a very obvious stock photo with shutterstock lighting, a memey-like motion blur, obvious photoshop and simple editing. Not to discredit their efforts, just my cruel opinion. Then with the SCP's and their writing, they got an SCP-2721. Which is literally, on the page, written as a trans Homestuck OC from Tumblr. Why is it necessary to bring real world culture, and social media/webcomic references, and gender into a fictional alternative universe full of mysterious creatures? It ruins the whole illusion.

I apologize for the rant and if it is a bit too mean, but I had to get my opinion out somewhere. That being said I still enjoy the wonderful SCP Universe, but everything is going to have small issues with time.

P.S: Nothing about AEwVS here