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Playing through this with a couple friends was a blast. the writing slaps. Finding the hidden ARG-esque secret ending was great. overall very fun way to spend a night.

I'm super glad you guys had fun with it ^-^ It was an absolute blast to make! Even if I am now in a state of semi-hibernation and zombification from having waaaay too many late nights during the jam, haha.  

I'd wanted to try an ARG type thing in one of my games for a while but lacked the brain capacity to come up with any sort of satisfying puzzle >.< I'm kinda terrible at puzzles myself, so making one was a big challenge! That's brilliant you figured it out though! I was a little worried people might not even spend enough time playing the game to even find it, let alone solve it x3

Thanks so much for taking the time to play + drop a comment :3