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Thanks so much for all your hard work, it's difficult to make a game in such a short time and I think you did a really good job.

Last time I was definitely playing the latest build and not the old one. I downloaded it again tonight and tried again and I was able to beat it! The scrolling felt much better. The redacting felt a little better too but maybe that's just in my head?

Something that helped was knowing that if I finish the last redaction in a round, the doors will close by themselves.

Another technique that was useful is using the couch when both doors are open. When you press F it will teleport you to the couch, then press F again to stand up, and it lets you cross the room very quickly.


And thank you for giving it another try! I think what makes it easier/harder randomly is the number of redactions per page. This is randomised and not part of the difficulty spikes, so with some bad luck you may have to do 5 * 6+ redactions in 90 seconds in the final round! Definitely a learning moment for me, don't link difficulty to RNG lightly!