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Yes, I would say there is a good chance. However, in the meantime, the adventure also comes included in the limited edition release of Dying Hard on Hardlight Station. Which will be on sale at the Tuesday Knight Games webstore and Exalted Funeral later this month until they run out. 

Yea! I kickstarter'd it. I'd just like a physical copy too. I think the Dying Hard kickstarter only included the PDF?

First of all, thanks for backing! The adventure is included in the limited edition physical copy of the Dying Hard on Hardlight Station physical zine itself. So you will have it in physical form as part of the bonus for backers. If you'd also like a pamphlet format version then that should be coming to stores in a few month's time. 

Would you look at that... lol, right on page 26. I COMPLETELY overlooked this. Thanks for the gentle reminder =)

Haha, no worries. Enjoy!