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It was a fun experience, but there were some weird issues. I chose mage, did the quests etc. the boss before hakkar (the panther guy?) was floating midair and couldn't be combatted and despawned once hakkar died, and the difference strength to damage translates much better than magic to damage, no matter how much int I collected, eventually reaching 412 int, my lash of pains only did about 360 each, whereas 201 strength was doing anywhere from 1k-2k on melees alone. There's only 1 useable ring slot, there's an ankh slot which I couldn't find anything for, and une's cape is a trinket for some reason? after clearing it all, it's finally time to move onto the barrens and await the rest of the game

Hey dude, first thanks for playing! Currently working on lots of those weird behaviours now so there should be patches in the future with fixes and maybe a hardmode etc