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Hello everyone, I know things have been quiet and that is mainly cause life is throwing some hard times my way and it is not easy. But good news as new things have been added or changed and a updated version will be coming soon!

A sneak peak into what is being looked into
Multi crit - If critical chance is higher then 100% then any extra will add another instance of the critical damage.
Energy shield - This is more concept but I want to add a way to add a shield system for another way to protect against future enemies.
Throwables - This is another concept but I have a good idea of how I want it to work. In order of being in the inventory with the type of throwable. When the G key is hit it will throw the first item. So grenades and such can be thrown while in the heat of combat.

For now that is what is up there is more to do. But life being the pain that it is may slow things down abit. But thank you any and all for any and all support! it greatly helps!