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Don’t know what a ghost ball is but the ghost should turn human.

Ok so the ghost ball rp plot is this for context: 

Legean says of a ghost ball once almost every blood moon at midnight, spirits of the dead can be seen dancing in the Grand Ballroom of a condemned, destroyed palace. You can try to visit the palace but be weary, the ghost’s there will tolerate the living for a limited amount of time… its best to be wearing either: a daisy, marigold, or rose on with your outfit to extend your time there peacefully, and wear a watch for time can blur with how many spirits are there. 

The village of Hastifer is where the palace resides, the veil between life and death is extremely thin here and almost gone on blood moons Villagers often leave food, flowers, and gifts for the dead at their doorsteps in hopes to see lost family members or friends. Hastifer has a strange history involving the supernatural and the undead from hauntings to strange creatures roaming in the night, no wonder why the villagers prefer to stay inside.

If you’re lucky enough you could befriend a supernatural being

and ooohhhh I tottally see the ghosts and supernatural bings haveing a human form to blend in with normal humans!

thx cabin!

and hi

No problem and thanks for explaining. I have another idea, why not have a human and a ghost have a relationship and they have some type of Danny phantom child that tries to have humans and the supernatural to be in full peace.


damn- i should ask you for idea's more often-

this is gonna be amazing. and I'm gonna give you half the credit for it

you ain't stopin me

Thank you!


(1 edit)

I just had another idea, why not do a ghost hunter type thing where the supernatural population decrease so they have to move the location of the ball.






Hehehehe you’re funny!

thx! ^w^
Im glad i was able to make ya smile :D


hru feeling on this fine lycanthropy thursday cabin?