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Jumped over the car expecting that was the idea xD.  You can be a bit more pro player, I jumped between two cars and lost even though I didn't touch it :P. The game font looks a bit strange, like the resolution picked in the browser wasn't the proper one? I was expecting cars from different direction, or cars with different speed. Also, I don't have a visual highscore while playing nor my best previous highscore, something I would always want in a game like this.  

(1 edit)


Thanks for your nice comment <3.

I know that the hitboxes are strange but this is fixed in the new version of the game (which I can't upload because of the jam) (btw, the Highscore Ingame is also in the new version).  I also know that the font is kinda strange, I think I can't really do anything because I thing gamemaker made the font strange xd. Now the thing with the different car speeds etc: The  cars get faster every 15-30 seconds, but I already planned to add different speed on every car when I add planes and more to the game. And the last thing: I don't know really what you mean with "the resolution picked in the browser wasn't the proper one?" but what I can say is that the viewport is scaled up a bit so you can see the screen better.


Hi! I meant I was expecting a 160x144 resolution window (or bigger but with that aspect ratio) since that was the gb resolution but your game window doesn't look like that in the game page.