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Very nice-feeling and well made puzzle game. The graphical style is a bit Lego-like, I think. The camera movement with the arrows works well in this case, because you're not in a hurry and also, because the levels are grid-based and isometric, so it's the next clearest option after an overhead view.

I'd like to invite this game to our contest, the Game Development World Championship!

Many thanks for the excellent feedback on the game, you really understood well what we wanted to do with this game. The VOXEL art is made using MAGICA VOXEL ( and it really LEGO like.
We are very thankful for your invitation to participate in GDWC, in which we have already registered and intend to register the game closer to the end of September, when it will have more features, more stages and will be more polished.
Thanks again for your contact.

Okay, I think I have seen VOXEL graphics mentioned within other games too. But it's great that you've registered and so I wish you good luck!