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now that we've entered Q4 of the year, i was wondering if you would be surprised if the release had to be pushed back to 2022?


Whatever would make you say that? It's the spooky month, anything is possible.


Sorry for the late reply. I've missed so many dates and deadlines already, so I won't speculate with the release date anymore one way or another until I'm 100% sure. Sorry for not having any better answers. The game is very far along, that's all I can say.

That's fine, you may want to make a huge announcement when it's out. It's starting to slip my mind. The wait seems less frustrating when it's not given a second thought at all. The world turns whether our minds follow it or not.

relax the sails no telling when shore or doom is upon us near or far, aye you'll only know when it happens. nam shizzle, mi nizzle