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Aww, I'm glad you think so ^-^ There's still a looooot of work to be done on it before it's complete, so what was in Manly's video is just a tiny snippet of what's to come :3

Sorry to hear about the situation with your family >.< I never have any money, so I know how much it sucks! You're welcome to have a key if you let me know the best place to send it to you :3


Hey again, Sorry for the Late Reply.

I had some problems on life, i had dengue recently.

You can sent it on my gmail😊

Thank you so much in Advance i cant wait to play this😁

Again sorry for the late reply


No worries! I hope you're okay now :3 I've just sent the key to your email so feel free to edit the comment to remove your address if you want!

Have an awesome week :3