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Fantastic, such a delightful game. It hits the Kirby aesthetic down to every little touch: the breaking blocks, the little stars bouncing on collisions, checkerboard backgrounds, the whole nine yards. It's so charming, yet it establishes an identity of its own with slightly darker designs in the crows and Thanatos.

The platforming gameplay is extremely tight and has sharper teeth than a Kirby game would offer. The limited jumps offers growth and exploration, and the challenge really ramps up as the player gets more jumps. It manages to nail both the precise and tactile nature of classic Nintendo platformers, and the tougher challenges of modern indie precision platformers. It's a wonderful balance.

The scope of this game is utterly wild for a 10 day game jam. Three meaty stages with unique environments, dialogue, a hub world. So impressive, and the aesthetics are unmatched. Amazing job.

Ahh thanks so much for the kind words. I’m so glad you enjoyed it. We were indeed aiming for a combination of Kirby’s Adventure and Cavestory, so I’m glad that comes across in game! :D