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Hello Obigre, thanks for writing your feelings about the game.

Regarding the enemies, we also believe that they can be improved. Unfortunately for us, we spent so long looking at the game that is hard to notice those kind of frustrations. We did notice that some of the monsters have insane amount of health and that is something that we will fix in an upcoming patch.
Regarding the skills or the goals of the game: you might feel some of the remaining of what it was once a metroidvania-like game. We encourage you to try to defeat the bosses located at the totem rooms and get to face the formatter, which I think is the main goal of the game. It is extremely hard to make a game based on a random set of files and that is why we needed to add some purpose for the story.

If you are not finding the game enjoying I would recommend to maybe keep an eye on those updates that will make you enjoy the combat more.

Thanks again for your message, it was very valuable for us!