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Do we have to move them all into the correct group through the resource manger or is there a easy way to install everything at once?

What game engine are you using?

I figured out how to import the files but now im having trouble with character creation.  I know rpg maker mz has limits and im only using the files in the mv character generation on piskel but im having problems when trying to move it to mz. this is what it looks like through the actor menu.  Do I have the settings wrong in piskel?

mmm so you can't export the dressed character out of piskel?

I can get them dresses but when I try to put it in mz it doesnt select the whole  sheet but only part of it, which makes the character appear to be a square in designing. The white retangle should select the whole image but its not. Ive tried importing the parts as images and spiritsheets into piskel

Ahhh you are right, I forgot to tell you that the exported files need to have a "!$" before the name, so the MV take them as single spritesheets (eg: "!$My_Main_Character ")


Thank you so much, that fixed my issue! : )

You are welcome MM! :)