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Where did the download go?


Hey, sorry, I am planning on reuploading a new extended version of the demo just after the demo will be launched on steam (On October 1st) so next week a new, much longer version of the demo will be uploaded to itch :)


Oh, thanks for replying. Looking forward to checking out the new demo. :) 

Just FYI, I just began the upload of the new demo to here, my internet is a bit slow but it should be here in a few hours. I am also getting a new trailer tomorrow and will update the page with that and some new screenshots :) 

Sweet, I'll be checking it out when it's available. Thank you for letting me know. :) 


Demo is uploaded, hope you enjoy :) 

I wanted to like it, the combination of escape room & visual novel was enticing... but just got stuck at the beginning... no idea about the chest lock combination.

I'm not even sure it's a four direction code or it's more than four. Gave it the ol' college try though... <insert shrugging smiley here>

No problem dude, that's for trying it, it's a funny puzzle because some people are getting instantly and some people are getting very stuck. I actually just updated it to try to make it more clear and I'll wait for more feedback from that. If there's still a bit of a problem I will add an extra hint (Also if you want to know the solution I can let you know if you want to try playing some more).