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I did it, I'm a diamond! Now, as the ancient ritual of the Juslikes dictates, I will give my feetbag:

The only soft game-breaking bug I encountered was that on the blue planet with the museum. Occasionally, Rebut would spawn in a wrong location on the space ship screen and get stuck. Other than that, the characters' and objects' click hitbox sometimes felt a bit small. I couldn't talk to the council member with the kid and only accidentally found out there was a kid at all. Movement worked best when using the pathfinding and clicking, though sometimes the upper option row would block the ability to walk out of a screen on top (another thing I noticed was that the fake ID/Snake waker screen has no wall on the top of the screen and you can walk off the screen). The manual walking felt a little unpolished, it didn't work when holding the button. I also got no music, so I missed out on the track as well.

Well, so much for that stuff, I had lots of fun playing this game. At first the freedom of visiting the large amount of planets seemed overwhelming, but once you have visited all planets and connect all the dots, it's very rewarding. I'm in awe of how well you managed to make each planet distinct and have such an interesting non-linear story. Everything felt very connected, and all the puzzles felt fair, I never had that point-and-click moment where you think "Whoa, that didn't make any sense". I guess the closes would be the teddy bear part from above, but I'm considering that a bug because I couldn't talk to the person on the screen. Very wholesome ending, some memorable story moments, like the resolution of the Git storyline, there were some typos, but overall the story was set up pretty well. I think it's the kind of game where you feel the person making it had lots of fun and that makes it fun to play as well.

So yeah, great job, looking forward to the shocking conclusion of the Ghostman trilogy.

Thanks !