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This game is a struggle to judge. Obviously, it's a good game, but it's just *weird* in so many ways. I'll try and go through the ones I remember.

Sprites used in dialogue can be wildly different from those used in sex scenes, or even just in wide shots. It almost feels like a bunch of different artists were used and each told a general idea of what to do but had no real restrictions. This lack of cohesion feels a bit strange, but it's not awful or anything.

The world itself is relatively interesting, the way characters actually mention dates, names, and locations make the world feel lived in. But you'll be given story beats that are extremely obvious set-ups for things that will happen later and multiple cliches are used, to the point where I was simply going "oh they've said this line, so clearly this will happen" and 15 minutes later it plays exactly how I said it would. 

Combat feels almost tacked on but it's still appreciated to break up the reading. Music is...present, sometimes. The dialogue itself (minus the cliches and set-ups) is pretty decent. I myself find dialogue to be the hardest part of writing, so the characters don't pull you out like many (*many* MANY) VNs do.

TL;DR the game is decent but weird in how it's made, I hope it continues getting better and better and that the loose threads can be tidied up.