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Good evening!

Presently, the choice is meant to allow the player to choose between A (i.e. "ask if she's nervous) or B (i.e. "tell her you're ready to begin"). If B, then proceed to the rest of the game; if A, present a series of sub-options providing backstory; then, when all sub-options are exhausted (or at the player's whim), proceed to B (and, thereby, the rest of the game).

Once you pass option B, there is, at time of writing, no going back without starting a new playthrough. If the game locks up for you at any point hitherto described, please let me know and I will do my best to solve the issue. At this point in the story, you are, at all times, supposed to be able to proceed. I don't want you, or anyone else, to be unable to play :)

Have a good one!
