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If the intention of the combat is to force the player into using abilities, you've done that quite well! Maybe just adding an "F" keybinding for the last ability could add that tiny bit more of having all four abilities. I know I was quite harsh on a lot of the little mechanics and the overall game feel, but all of that comes from having no idea of what the developer intentions are. If the standard combat is meant just to be a way to keep enemies off you until your cooldowns are finished, it works pretty well. But having a short directional dash bound to space or something could have done a bit to mitigate that feeling of a lack of control.

I know most student projects don't get updated after release due to how busy students are, so no worries on that front. For students, most of my feedback is just so they have a rough idea of what an end user might think when playing so they can take that information forward into their next project.