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I just played this and I agree with Francisco. Controls feel delayed and often times unresponsive. It feels slow to just move from one hostage to another.

The big problem is the first level has no place to protect yourself and it is an issue because enemies spawn randomly. You either need to give a fixed spawn for the enemies or add in crates earlier so that you can protect yourself easily.

Having the hostage seems pointless here since enemies will attempt to shoot the hostage and you're stuck with nothing. Maybe you need something who's like harmless but poses a threat to the enemies like a boss or something?

Yes, your hostage will be shot, but while you holding him you will have more time to shoot other guys. And then you can take another hostage. Actually crates works exactly the same - they’re only temporary protection and will be destroyed as well. Regarding random spawning - it’s not exactly right. Notice, that all enemies are spawned at exactly the same place, only spawn delay is random.