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Props for making an rts and balancing it. I could not steamroll so some thought was behind it (or I am bad). You have also added sounds and made a really nice soundtrack. The controlls were janky, there could be more indication where the buildings can be placed (it felt somehow random). Also I am pretty sure I broke the game a couple of times because I could buy things I coudl not afford. Lastly - the font was not readable at times and in an rts game information about the state is very important.

I couldn`t agree more. I overscoped so hard, my brain exploded and how can be seen: little time was left for UI, fonts and even texts. Poor management. And i tried to build in catch up and hold back machanisms to prevent snowballing. But as one can see on one of the screenshots, with the right build - order, it is totaly doable.  Thx for your feedback! :D