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(1 edit)

1. We're starting to work on them now - we're nearly at the end of our original feature roadmap, and part of the alpha roadmap is returning to each encounter and completing them.

2. That depends on patron votes and where we feel could use the work.

3. Yeah, we're going to add that.

4. Yep, each of the encounters will get more checks like that, and we recently added the capability into the engine for loops in encounters, which will make it easier to perform those kinds of things.


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Thanks for the answers! As I've been playing some more i noticed that my character has gained a rather impressive spread of negatives, all that i gained from doing things myself, like equestrian from beating and then sexing the centaurs and cuckoo for cuckoo from the harpy for example. Is it possible for these ones to gain some beneficial traits if your the one who chooses it as opposed to being beaten and having the trait forced on you? The only reason I ask is because i love most of the encounters and monsters and wanted to see if i could get closer too them without incurring negatives.

Edit: Beneficial only in the sense that they don't incur negatives i mean, its supposed to be roguelike after all!