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Hello darktoz!

First of all, thank you very much for this great game. Even if my sexual nature is not expressed in this way, I see it as a very successful erotic science fiction adventure. It truly encourages you to assert yourself in this exotic world. Your graphics are great. And it really plays well, even if my English is very limited, so I have a lot translated.

To show my appreciation for your effort, I downloaded the game from your web site - As a thank you, I rewarded that with 3 + 10 €. I could also imagine support as a patron ...

Problem: I play the game on Windows 7 on the PC and was able to install the game without any problems. Now, however, it cannot be played any further. I'm in day 15, saved it. However, it can no longer be loaded. The screen remains black, you can hear the fairly high processor effort, but the saved game status is no longer opened. Neither on memory page 5 nor on page 1. Only the memory racks from days 1 to 3 can still be opened. It doesn't even work when playing from an external hard drive.

What advice do you have for me?

Greetings from Berlin

Hi there, 

keep in mind that windows 7 is a system that is now over 12 years old. In earlier versions older versions than windows 10 weren't even supported because of constant bugs. Since 0.5 these have stabilized, but they can still occur.

Does this loading error only occur on one save or on all save files? have you tried restarting with a new game and saving on day 15 to see if it was only a one time issue?

playing from external hard drive makes no difference btw, the save files are located in your users folder