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No, I cannot access the map, computer,or anything else. Also, I replayed the game from the beginning, and when I am about to go to school for the first day, the map does not appear. Instead, all I get outside is the left/right choices, and no matter where I click on the screen, I get the message that I don't want to go there. I can't go back into the house, or do anything. I'm playing on a PC (Dell Optiplex) Win 10 64 bit.

Ah, that's not the open world yet. 

It's the first introduction to the sandbox that will come after. Unfortunately you'll have to play through it but it finishes fast, and after that the smoother part of the game starts. (The part of the game that you can skip to when you start the game and get the option.)

for now you need to proceed with the left/right choices.

Sorry if I was unclear, but I just noticed this - wherever i place the cursor on the screen, it highlights the right path. I can't get it to highlight the left path, even when the cursor is right over it. So no matter where the cursor is the screen, right is selected. I can have the cursor pointing at the house, MC, etc, and it acts like I'm pointing at the right arrow. Sorry about that.

That has got to be the hitboxes of the images then, not sure how they bugged out but can you try restarting/trying from save, or restarting pc? If that doesn't work we would need your save file to look into it.

Restarting fixed it.