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Hi, I used an Oculus Quest2 with link cable and the game runs.

It looks great but I came across so many issues it meant I could not understand what was going on.

Here is a video of some sample play:

Specifically the issues are:

You fall through the floor when you press start.

The right hand says 'movement disabled' but as nothing was happening I found I could move using my left hand.

It still had the 'movement disabled' message on when it should be telling you how to ask a question of the characters in the diner.

Getting characters to talk was difficult. The controller vibrated but the trigger often did nothing. 

I thought a lot of the speech was inaudible (like in the dinner) or was muffled and drowned out by other sounds (the guy at the cinema and the train going by).

At the end of the video I went down some stairs and couldn't get back up.

Three circles on my right hand kept appearing?