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I just exported a windows version to try it out!

Although it seemed promising when i saw the concept for the game, i feel the use of the kettle's clouds of steam won't block the sight as expected... unless you do it in 3D. But it's definitely something to work on.

Thanks for the feedback. :) Yeah, I'm not sure if I can get it to work as planned, but I should get a better idea once I add a second player. 

I thought a bit more about it and came to the conclusion that, in fact, it sounded a bit like Tron with a less radical gameplay :p because you're basically punished for the same thing: sitting behind your opponent car. Would that be a good description, Tron with kettles ? ^^

I'm not familiar with that game, so that's purely coincidental. Sounds like it could be a good source of inspiration for me though, so thanks for mentioning it. :)