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tried to download the update and windows found a trojan. can you explain this??

The hotfix itself, or the whole game was flagged?

 I've seen that some antivirus don't like the nif-32.exe file and flag it. This is a common false positive. Check, for example, here:

Renpy creates that file automatically, but it's only needed to lunch the game in a 32-bit windows version. You can just delete it if you have a 64-bit windows and your antivirus will be happy.

 If you're referring to the hotfix file itself, then I must confess I'm surprised and don't know what's going on. I've tried to recreate your problem and my windows doesn't have any issue. This hotfix only fixes the credits screen. If you're afraid of using it, I'd suggest not to download it. The game is fully playable without it.

Can you please tell me if it is indeed the update that was flagged or just the nif-32.exe?

This is a bit frustrating for a developer because there's not much I can do, it's just how renpy works. I'll check if newer versions fixed this. Or I'll probably just have to drop support for the 32-bit version.