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(2 edits) (+1)(-4)

Is English not your native language? Because you seem to not be able to understand my comments at all.

Or maybe you didn't actually read the public description that Damned Studios put up and are just assuming it's accurate.

(3 edits) (+2)(-1)

I understand your comments perfectly Marlowe, but what are you not getting here? 

This game is NOT and will not have a 'gay only route' and I don't get how much simpler this needs to be said?

Its not 'false advertising' because there IS gay content and futa planned, just very clearly not as much as you'd like.

 Furthermore, telling people about the content you 'plan' to add is not false advertising either, false advertising would be failing to deliver on those things promised, telling people what you plan to add is the exact opposite, it gives the consumer an honest expectation of what they can expect so they can make an informed decision on whether to support the project/keep playing or not. 

It's also fairly clear this game is not going to be for you and I hope you find a game more akin to your preferences. 

(2 edits) (-4)

Ok, if you do understand my comments, then start addressing my point. You have yet to do so.

What you have done, numerous times, is misrepresent my point and lie.

All I have been trying to do is give you advice to help you fucking find people who will enjoy your game, and all you do is attempt to persuade me not to play it, as if I have any intention of doing so. Either take my advice, or ignore it.

(2 edits) (+2)

What have I presented as a lie Marlowe? 

you accused us of false advertising = I explained very carefully how it was not. 

You went berserk because there was not the content you wanted = I explained how the content relates to the tag and it's not what you want. 

What have I apparently missed here? Because now I'm at a complete loss.

It's an extremely common practice to list what your 'planned content' is, I've never heard a single person ever complain about mentioning what planned content is till now.



It *is* false advertising. You can absolutely present your plans in a manner that clearly states they are plans. You have not done so.

I didn't say anything about what content I want. At all. You completely fabricated that. All I want is for the content to match the game's description, and it doesn't.

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit) (+2)

Okay Marlowe, the Patreon has been changed to

Fetishes planned/or included:  

Is that your qualm dealt with? 


Not even slightly, and you know exactly why. You're just an asshole.


You know what Marlowe? Fuck off, you're vile. You've railed against everyone and weaponized how we're all 'homophobic' when they call out your insane, rambling fucking nonsense no matter how polite most have tried to be. 

We and everyone else have tried to work with you or clear up any miscommunications but I give up. You're too pig headed and ignorant. 

You are the ONLY person to ever argue about this, isnt that a fucking wake up call for you? Christ, take a look in the mirror man. 

By the way, you've successfully tried gaslighting that you never 'had a bad word to say about the game' when you clearly fucking have, and sickeningly, the notion of bisexuality seems to go over your head in relation to the tags we set almost with disdain.

I am done, consider yourself blocked you oxygen thief.

(1 edit) (-4)

Aaaand here you go lying again. That's all you seem to be able to do. Fucking scum of the earth. Accusing me of gaslighting when every.  single. fucking. one. of your comments is gaslighting me.




Why do YOU always have to insult everyone?? I hate stuff like that. I read insults against you here. But YOU clearly started with it. You can see that at the time of the comments! You just can't handle constructive criticism. You are currently just a stupid, lying, self-glorifying, heterophobic and horrible person who cannot admit any mistakes of your own.

Please stop it. Thank you.


You're the one who sounds like a bigot.

Is that biphobia I hear?