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Try not to drown in all the expectations and criticisms. I mean even that is a criticism but dont mind me hehehe. You have a limited time you can work on your VN, so if your goal is a chapter every 2 months instead of 3, then think about shortening or even cutting the chapters early by 1/3rd. Count words and set limits. Count the hours it takes to place the sprites. Count the hours it takes to find/make new background images/sprites. And lastly mark the hours of the days in the month that you can dedicate to making your VN.

Im not a psychologist, but I use to write scary stories a few years back when I was in highschool. I had a problem with reading and rereading comments to them because this was all under my school's profile and even the teachers took interest. But it was that which made me slack off and lose motivation and even imagination to write new stuff. What I found that helped was to not bother looking at the comments anymore. Obviously when I had to tell people IDK what they were talking about because it was of their comments/criticisms they then basically orated their comment to me in person which caused the same problem to rise up in me again, and this time I was a lot more annoyed and when people saw that my reputation went from 'brilliant horror writer' to 'scary weirdo' very quickly. If I were you I wouldnt bother reading comments anymore if youre very sensitive to critisism like me. Or at least read a few once a month and if you ever feel like replying, write what you want to write but then delete it and let it go. I think it is for the best if youre  writing this VN for fun or because it is a story you want to share. You shouldnt be open to other's criticism if youre doing this purely out of your own heart's desire. Others should just love it or leave it and their opinions shouldnt matter to you.


To be honest, I do care a little too much about what people think about the game. I don't think there's much point making one if others can't have fun! 

That being said,  this is more of a fun project for me; I'm making barely any money off it, so work and my own mental/physical health does take priority. I can't work on the game if I'm ill after all.

Thanks for writing in! I'll make good use of this advice, don't worry!