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I'm on PC I've unlocked the underground corrupted lake and have done all of the lust cures and all of the lizard treasure as well as the crossover

you said you got the corrupted lake and did lizards treasure and the crossover, does that mean roushk is in the temple at the moment?

when you say in the temple do you mean the forbidden or the ruins . If you mean temple in the ruins then yes  I've beat him cured him well as cured as he can be and when i got to how much others like you roushk likes me up to I think 46 and I got a heart by him

oh and I hope this is any problem but I went over to the maker of tavern of sphere and asked if he's thinking of doing another crossover i'm sorry for doing that i just like this game so much and seeing nauxus just shocked me because I've also play'ed tavern of spheres