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This is great! Never heard of Nonograms before and this is a very fun introduction.

One question I have from playing several puzzles - it seems like sometimes there are situations where there are two possible solutions to a given set of unrevealed tiles, and I have to just guess. I’m wondering:

- Am I wrong and there is actually always a way but I just can’t see it?

- If I’m not wrong, is this a standard feature of nonograms in general that’s just part of the puzzle, or is it in the implementation of the game that these situations arise?

It would be satisfying to know that there was ALWAYS a way to figure out the correct solution without guessing, but I’m sure that would be a complex programming task. Or maybe I just need to level up my solving skills!

Either way this is very fun and I’ve already spent many happy moments playing this game :)

Thanks for making it!


(1 edit)

Thanks for the kind words!

As for your question:

TL;DR: It’s a limitation with my implementation

  • Hand made or premade Nonogram puzzles should have a way to solve them without using guesswork. Unless the creator hasn’t properly checked or has made a mistake.
  • For autogenerated ones there are 2 ways that people use to try to eliminate the guesswork situations:
    1. Check the puzzle after creating it to see if there is one of these situations and remake it if it’s the case.
    2. Have the user always get it “right” if there is no way to know which of 2 tiles is the correct one.

As it always happens with these kinds of things, it’s way more complicated once you get into specifics. And given that trying to implement any of those methods would be more complex than the rest of the game combined, there is no such mechanism in VNonograms Infinite.

Anyways, I’m really happy that you’ve enjoyed your time with my tiny game :)

Totally understand and I agree the work required to do this would probably not be worth it. I don’t think the game particularly suffers for it, I was mostly just curious as the whole thing is a new concept for me. Thanks again for making it!