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Seems we went for same musicians collection with our games.

So i tried your game and before actually reviewing it I wanted to ask if there is some end to that game, that did i miss something on it? I found all the stuff for all five characters (painter, robot, dog, boy and man reminiscing on something) and gave them to them, but game just continued playing? Was this supposed to be so, that is there no end, or did i just not get what i was supposed to do after that?

Ah nice! Looks like you were quick! So the game ends after 7 days. 

So if you get everything done faster, then theres nothing else to do but stand still?

For now yes. I guess you can walk around and take in the visuals! lol

One of the things I wanted to do if I had the time was add mini-games to help fill in the time in between doing tasks. That will be in the future. All I was able to do in the time alloted was meet my minimum viable game.