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The game looks nice and the graphics are good but I can't understand the goal of the game and what I need to do..

also, when I exit the room I can not find my way back because it's too dark.

(About the controls, I had the same problem in my game, mouse controls need to be perfect to make it work and I think you still have to finetune it a bit more)

Yes, you are right, maybe there's too little or no explanation about what you have to do, we should have worked more on that but we had no time. 

The main goal is to leave the room but we want the player to feel not wanting to leave it, for story purposes. We think that it's better to feel a little bit lost than explain everything because we don't want to spoiler the experience, but we didn't handle it good and the game is very confusing at the beggining. Our advice is: interact with everything you can.

And yes, we have to make the corridor more clear because there were many people that have lost in it.

Thanks for the feedback! Hope you can give it another try and finish the story!

Sounds great!

for the instructions I would have make the player say something like "What am I doing here, where am I?" at the start to make the player know that he needs to understand what the goal is