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Okay i'll kinda mix the bad and good for dramatic effect:
- The intro music is....... kinda difficult to listen to. Might be kinda wrong notes, I don't know but it made me feel uncomfortable...
- ...while the in game music is pretty punchy and enjoyable!
- Your collision approach might be the wrong one. When you keep pressing up on a collision, your character jiggles up and down. You might want to check for the collision before you're colliding (by adding your current speed to the position of the collision, if this can work in whatever language/program you're coding)
- The writing style is improvable, sometimes I see some informations that aren't brought up the best way "the slime i consider my father" (or something like that) could have felt better if you introduced the father so that you'd name it "father" instead of "the slime i consider my father"; I didn't note everything though so I hope you see what I mean...
- ...but overal though, it's pretty nice. The story is lovable and the characters are nice
- The fight is well designed..
- ...but sooooo slow. It would have been nice to speed it up to have a more satisfying flow. You wait about 3 seconds by the time a character moves to another.

I feel teased, is there a way to use the other options? Such as power and items?

Great entry!