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Opening up with a cutscene, wow okay I'm in for a treat now. I get the plot I have a reason to play and I am ready. The game lets me take control of a 3D snake in a 3D environment with the first thing I see is signboard in-game tutorials, Okay wow, we are off to an amazing start.

I was extremely impressed and how good this initial look and how organically the snake moved around, it looks fantastic, the controls were responsive, there were some enemies to avoid with multiple pathways, ramps... and all 3D, very ambitious!

However I did get stuck a few times by slamming into a trunk with no way to recover, a retry button would have been nice as I had to refresh the browser a couple of times.

A couple of suggestions for making improvements going forward for this and future projects. 
Some branches on the trees you jump over had trunks, it would probably feel nicer if they didn't have colliders as I hit a few of them and it took all momentum out of the awesome jump likewise the Birds had very unforgiving hitbox colliders and could probably trigger which do damage to you instead of pushing you back and killing your momentum,

The canvas for the UI should probably be set to scale with the size of the window as to when it's not full screen some buttons were outside of the view. Also, one of the buttons with the snake just froze the game and did not do anything for me. I guess it was maybe an exit button for .exe files?

I think checkpoints would be really helpful for a game such as this since one mistake can really throw you off and leave you feeling a little sad having to retry all over again.

Enjoyment: 3/5
Ease to Play:3/5
Concept: 3/5
Music: 3/5
Presentation: 3/5
Use of Limitation: 5/5
Polish: 3/5