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Some others have asked for "parenting" or group rotating. I'll have to stew on it a bit to see if I can come up with a super simple interface for that.

Another idea is if I exposed the "smoothing" control. That way you could do hand gestures but have them move at a different speed than the mouth. The mouth-shapes do get "smoothed" so they aren't changing too rapidly, I may be able to make that a control that could be useful.

I'll add both of these to do the research list!

Cheer, it's already fun enough to play with already. I'll just be making simple characters for now.

this is also something id be super interested in! specifically the "join a joint to another joint" part, I want to link the hand to eye tracking and have the forearm  rotate with the shoulder and upper arm to give the appearance of drawing or using a mouse! im not sure if this would be difficult to impliment though..