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something that really bothers me about Virginia (and not so much about her as much as how the game treats her) it's that she likes to pretend she is the only one put-together but in reality she's just as dysfunctional as the rest of the cast she's just better at hiding it
she's reminds of Jenna from Echo except the game eventually calls out Jenna about not being so above it all which allows her to grow as a person, something that never happens to Virginia
i guess what really gets to me is her last conversation with Marco, she says that she matter-of-factly that she doesn't matter and proudly proclaims to not trust anyone and i just think how sad it is for anyone to say that
i wish Marco would have told her that it's not true, she does matter,that there are people outhere that care about her for more than just the work she does, i wish he would have told her that trusting no one isn't a good thing, that no healthy relationship can exist without mutual trust, so that she won't spent the rest of her life friendless and loveless


I understand, but consider the society she exists in. She needs to be the strong figure there for everyone and having all those annoying triumvirates trying to take her down, she needs that strength. And I do believe she trusts Marco, otherwise she would not have told him all that she is, she does not trust him now because he is still a kid (politically speaking) but she will come to trust him more on the years to come. She is a sad figure but she is extremely. She matters, but in the grand scheme of things...

Well, when she said she doesn't matter it was in a crude sarcastic way. She said that not because she thinks she doesn't matter, but because that's actually what their society is compelled to think. It was a harsh way to help Marcus see how hard is for her to build an image. And yes, if she really doesn't trust anyone she would never tell Marcus all she said. And even Marcus had his trust betrayed in that environment remember?