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After reading the tablets, I am much more suspicious of our main character. There's a line in the middleground route (where you send Asterion to the valley during the first Argos meeting, but never again) where the narrator calls you both kings, or you both stand as kings. Something along those lines. And considering both Asterion and Laomedon were princes, my mind is turning. 

To be clear, I've always been suspicious of the MC being called "You" by the UI despite being given a name, but that was more of a metatextual element than anything in the story itself. However, I thought he might be Charon due to the Hades-like pattern of the neckerchief and misreading a line as saying MC and Charon had the same eyes when instead it said they didn't. 

(I do find it interesting that the bracelet seems similar to P's rosary like bracelet, and the neckerchief is reminiscent of Hades and Asterion... Hm. Bedtime. Otherwise my mind won't shut up.)