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[?] < what does this mean? I thought it was broken until it loaded. does it mean loading? if so … would be better. an animated … would have been extra points. A blank screen would have been better.

[x] < what does this mean?, I assumed it was telling me to press x. but that didn’t do anything.

The intro cut scene I assumed I was supposed to be controlling the ship or something. but nothing i pressed seemed to do anything.

After wondering around I assumed that the crystals where to refuel the ship. i pressed every key on the keyboard and i could’t pick them up. at that point the oxygen bar ran out.

Anyway. the art lovely and the music was immersive.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey thanks for your comments. All good points. I definitely bit off more than I could chew and ended up having to rush some of those elements to get it done in time. [x] turns a switch which opens a door. It makes a little sound, but it needed to be clearer! And if you hold down [x] on the computers it powers them up. But I totally agree it wasn't very clear. 

The aim of the game is to power up 3 computers, then go back to the platform at the bottom and you can bring your friend back to life with the 'memories' you have collected from the computer.

I'm pretty new to gamedev so still figuring it all out, unfortunately I spent all my time just trying to get the character moving and the level created. Lots to improve on for next time. :) 

Congrats on getting it submitted tho! Seriously Getting something playable for a jam is already an achievement. And again the art and music feel wonderful.

I totally feel that. So far I have tried to do more then is reasonable every jam I have done. In my previous jam I attempted a voxel game (with help). 95% of the time was spent getting basic mechanics working. Finished the only level at 1 in the morning before submission day.

My goal this time was to make a more polished game. Got like 50% of what I was aiming for.