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To reiterate what others have been saying, the movement is completely solid. The fluidity of jumping around the structure is heaps of fun.

Unfortunately I had a bit of an issue that my wired 360 controller didn't seem to work, so I needed to use mouse and keyboard. It worked nicely, but at some point the cursor became unlocked and visible, making the mouse behave a bit erratically.

These issues aside, I am very impressed with the polish displayed in the gameplay here, great work!

Thank you for sharing your experience and for the nice words ! That's a weird issue that you had with your controller. If I can trackdown this issue with the 360 controller I will publish an update correcting this and I'm definetly going to correct that awful cursor problem. I'm happy to see that you still enjoyed your time around. 

Definitely and the moment either the mouse or the 360 controller issue is sorted, i'll give it another proper try!

Just published an update that corrected both of the your issues (according to my test and modifications).

This week I will play another batch of this summers Jam, I will surely play yours and give you my thoughts !

Thank you! And nice work getting a fix in so quickly! I'll try your game out again tomorrow!