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(1 edit)

Hi cristobal,
the limitations mainly imply the animated stuff because the frame limit for characters in the MV/MZ is 3 and for objects is 4, so every long animation you see in the promotional .gifs can't be converted for the MV/MZ, it's a software wall

edit: answering to your edit, there's not yet, but we're reaching the end here (400th daily update) and the next asset will feature all the outdoor world matching this one!


thank you for the quick answer, when do you think the outdoors will be released ?


You are welcome! 
Mmm this one will end the 22th of September, so after 1 or 2 weeks the outdoor asset gonna be out!

Btw cristoal, I'm not sure if you are new to the MV, but that's a video I usually suggest for the tilesets