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Terrain in maps is an idea that I hope to add in the game, but it will be a while until it happens. As for the camera, how do you think it could be improved? 

(1 edit)

when i load maps in editor upate them the camra   is in an akward postion and hardto move /is slow with realy big maps. could you make like  a camera mode were you use WASD to move camera and push SHIFT to make camera faster in some way also use  mouse to look camera around like in the spectate mode in Game while playing? Thank you.

I don't think this would be a practical method for map editor since you usually need more accurate movement to design properly. 

I could add it as a temporary measure, e.g. to only use spectator camera if you hold down middle mouse button.

I'll give it a try and add it to the next release if it is easy to use.