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(1 edit) (+3)

First dude is easy to beat, just keep repeatedly kicking him (rmb to kick).

Second guy has brass knuckles but isn't a threat to you, just like last time keep kicking him.

You have unlocked the bat, purchase it. Get blood by removing fingers of your right arm

The next three enemies have a bat, some bamboo spear thingy and a knife. Every time you succesfully hit them (with the bat) immediately step back so they can't hit you back.

You've unlocked the shovel, purchase it. Get Blood by removing fingers of your right arm.

The next six enemies have a shovel, sword, spear, axe, umbrella and a flail. Every time you succesfuly hit them (with the shovel)  immediately step back so they can't hit you back.

This is what i always do, and it has been succesful every time.


i tried and i didnt made it


i tried again and i did made it but i bought axe from my wounds